Alienated, No Contact, Estranged, Eggshell Walk, Estranged Again, Low Contact...


And Every Step was excruciating...
I never gave up. I gave him space, I checked in, but gave his responses time. I never made what he was doing or going through, about me. Because as much as he said it was my fault, I knew it wasn't about me. So I took myself out of his equation and worked on myself. 



 Unfortunately, Our Story is Not unique...


You are here because you are either an Estranged and Alienated Parent already or you are doing the dreaded eggshell walk, in that place where you feel like low contact/no contact is inevitable or already started.

Maybe you are Empty Nesting and you feel like your child is slipping away from you. They aren't coming to visit you anymore, and they don't share their milestones anymore. It hurts.

 And on top of ALL OF THAT, There are no guarantees that once you reconcile and commit to "fixing things" that you won't fall away again. 
BUT... Once you have the tools, the pain is lessened one day and the peace you seek, you will have, no matter if you and your child never speak again.
You will be ok.




How to give yourself grace and equip yourself with tools to live a more purposeful life.


It is a misunderstanding? Is it projection? Verbal, Mental or Emotional Abuse? Blame and Shame? 


Desperate to get them to talk to you, tolerating disrespect. Putting up with no-win situations, writing letters, apologies without knowing why.

The Power Of Letting Go...


Many Books were written to help you prepare to get ready for baby. A lot of experts give advice on raising a child. But no one really knows how to redefine your parenthood.

But that is what we need to do.

It's working for thousands of families and it can work for us too. 

Just say that you want more for yourself.


It took 2 agonizing years and multiple stages of grief. But we are good now. I have boundaries of my own.

I live my life with purpose. I feel great about myself.

I don't dread holidays and family get-togethers. My son is living his life on his own terms and he reaches out regularly to update me and ask for advice. And I am doing great...

One Day At A Time. You deserve that too.

The most important relationship you will ever have is YOURSELF.

Then you can focus on others.

I am Birdie Chesson, and I am your Transitional Guide. I am not a Doctor. I am a Mother that has gone through Estrangement and has the Past Experience of helping people in Personal Development, Family Dynamics &  Relationships for over 25 years.

I believe that the best way to get through this tough time is to


Estrangement has everything to do with them but healing starts with YOU.


This is My Journey... 


All is not beyond repair.
Through tears, health issues, then perspective, inner peace and letting go.
And now reconciliation and rediscovered love. 
Old Keys cannot open New Doors. 
Change your mind to change your own life.




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